Prior to receiving child care services, you must complete the ABC Huskies Child Care Enrollment Packet. Information required includes basic client information, emergency contacts, medical information, authorization to administer/use basic products and/or treat, a child care parent contract and a transportation agreement. You may download and print the entire packet by clicking here.
Prior to receiving child care services, you must complete the ABC Huskies Child Care Enrollment Packet. Information required includes basic client information, emergency contacts, medical information, authorization to administer/use basic products and/or treat, a child care parent contract and a transportation agreement. You may download and print the entire packet by clicking here.
complaint form
If you have concerns or complaints about the services being provided or the operations of ABC Huskies Child Care, we want to know. Recommendations on how we might improve services are always welcome. Our goal is to meet the needs of our clients so your input is important. We highly recommend you put in writing any concerns/issues you may have or recommendations directed to the Board of Directors. Please complete and submit the Complaint Form which may be downloaded by clicking here.